Sunday, August 3, 2008

Welcome To The Isolation Chamber

So when we decided to have a third. We thought about everything. We knew I would get sick, we knew what that meant for our family. Mommy could do very little and everything would fall on to Daddy. Cooking, cleaning , parenting, everything. I thought I was okay with that. I was so wrong. There is such a level of sadness I feel when I am lying in bed and I can hear my kids playing and having fun outside with Daddy or Nanny.

It is so painful to know that I can't play with them right now. Well I could, but then I throw up and that ruins all the fun. I am already on Zofran, Zantac, Colace, Stemetil, Diclectin, Histantil and Gravol. All in the hopes of stopping the nausea and the vomitting. But then this is my third go of HG. And I know, that no matter what I take I will STILL have the 24/7 mind numbing nausea. Nothing takes it away. That is just all kinds of fun.

I know that we will make through the coming months. My wonderful husband taking on most of the responsiblity around here, my Mother having to step in when Daddy goes to work. I know that my children will survive. They will be okay. The oldest doesn't remember my pregnancy with her little sister. So the youngest wont remember any of this. My oldest will have some memories and it is up to me to make sure they are good ones. Well and a few scary ones so she wont have sex until she hits 30!

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